Good Quality New Compatible Dyson soleplate wheel Kit to fit below Models

Good Quality New Compatible Dyson soleplate wheel Kit to fit below Models

This is a great Cost saving Way to save your soleplate from being replaced altogether which in turn will be more costly

Most commonly we find that soleplates require replacing because the 5 wheels on the bottom of the soleplate have seized up and worn flat resulting in either a heavy static black tar from your carpet rubbing on your soleplate or the soleplate has been worn away by the surface of your carpet. Generally this takes at least 3 years to do this (unless new carpet has been laid within that time). So if your machine is older then 3 years we recommend looking at your soleplate and check all 5 wheels are in good order (No flat spots and can be turned by your finger) if they do not turn or are flat than this wheel kit is for you.

This wheel kit will only fit the following Clutch Version Machines:

Dyson Dc04

Dyson DC07

Dyson DC14

Dyson DC33

Dyson DC27

This wheel Kit will contain:

5 x Wheels

5 x Axels

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